Friday, October 30, 2009

Critiquing Professional Examples

1. This photo essay about Martin Luther King Jr. is good because the the organization is structured and easy to understand. The photos are on separate pages, the links to the pages are easy to find, and when the image is portrait or landscape the caption is shifted to accommodate it so the page doesn't stretch. I like all these things.

2. All of the captions and pictures are about MLK Jr., so it's clear that it's about him. The quotes are his own words of peace and equality and the future, and they're not just the renowned "I have a dream" speech.

3. I think it's for anybody looking for quotes and inspiration from MLK Jr., but it's not really clear who exactly it's for. It seems like it's just for anybody.

4. The photos are in the order that shows how MLK Jr. is a father and an inspiring man, but in the end there's a picture of his son near his grave. It shows his integrity, determination, and his passion for his beliefs simply in his expressions. The gray scale and contrast help the effects even more.

5. The contrast shows deep shadows, black and white, separate but in one picture. It shows MLK Jr. in a serious sense rather than a light one, because that's what he was. They showed truth and reality through just one person and one child.

6. Because it caught my eye. The quotes are short and simple, the setup was ideal. If I were to take something away from this, it would be the setup and the style of photography.

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