Thursday, February 18, 2010

One GOW Character

4 Quotes and what they reveal about the character

Jim Casy

"Yes sir, that's my Saviour,/Je--sus is my Saviour,/Je--sus is my Saviour now./On the level/'S not the devil,/Jesus is my Saviour now." - Page 19, Chapter 4
This is the very first thing Jim Casy says, and I think it reveals his alignment of religion quickly. Right away, it states he's a Christian with this quote.

"Got a lot of sinful idears--but they seem kinda sensible." - Page 20, Chapter 4
This quote intends that Jim Casy thinks a lot and has his own mind and ideas. It's also a foreshadow that tells that he will reveal those ideas, maybe slowly, and how they go against his religion. It also says he thinks it's okay, since he did say "sensible".

"Then I'd feel bad, an' I'd pray an' pray, but it didn't do no good. Come the nex' time, them an' me was full of sperit, I'd do it again. I figgered there just wasn't no hope for me, an' I was a damned ol' hypocrite. But I didn't mean to be." - Page 22, Chapter 4
This reveals the doubt and mistrust Jim Casy has in himself, and how he feels about it. He's also mindful, as he knows what he's done wrong but doesn't fix it even if he tries.

"Before I knowed it, I was sayin' out loud, 'The hell with it! There ain't no sin and there ain't no virtue. There's just stuff people do. It's all part of the same thing. And some of the things folks do is nice, and some ain't nice, but that's as far as any man got a right to say.'" -Page 23, Chapter 4
Jim Casy reveals his beliefs in the matters of sin and virtue after wondering if it was okay to lay with girls in the grass. He seems to be enlightened by his ideas, but he's always mulling it over, it seems.

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