Tuesday, February 23, 2010

In the Dust Bowl

If SkinIt or graphic design firms had existed in the Great Depression era (computers or graphic design didn't even exist at that time), I doubt it would survive. Their products are just luxuries, not necessities, so they wouldn't last very long in a time where money was scarce and people would rather spend it on food and water. However, there is the rare chance of a big cropping industry, like the ones that printed the "Come to California!" flyers in Grapes of Wrath, would go to a graphic designer and ask them to create an attractive brochure. These attractive brochures would work their magic on families like the Joads. In that case, the designer would get paid a good amount but it would only be a one-time gig, and then the designer would be out of a job too. The design industry of that time would definitely sink.

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