Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Ideas for American Icons

Freese Elementary School
(This is the best picture I could find of it, it's in the background)
1. What does this Icon represent to you? Why?

This is the place I spent most of my childhood. I practically grew up here, it was a second home to me. It taught me everything I know and shaped the person that I am today.

2. Who and what was important to this Icon? Why?

It's a school. Its students, which at one point was me, was its priority. We were taught well and treated kindly, and we were given many opportunities to become better learners and better people, because as they say, "children are the future".

3. How did this Icon become important in American culture?

School has always been a part of American culture. Elementary school is a standard, it's where education starts. And in this generation, education is the key to the future, and without it, you can't get far.

4. How did this Icon become important to you?

I grew up there, the people there, students and teachers, were my close friends. It was a home away from home, and I enjoyed my time with the people there, and was sad when it ended. Of course I had to move on, but unlike most people, I knew what I had before it was gone. I cherished it because it was fun and helped me learn. I made my first best friends in kindergarten, and many more after that--after all, this is where childhood memories are made. School was the place where I could see my friends every day, and talk to my teachers, who are now my good friends.

5. Who and what did this Icon inspire?

I know this place inspired me, and I have no doubt that there have been many others that are inspired by my first school as well. It inspired me to become a learner, to give my all, to become the best I could be. Their opportunities, like their Magnet program and puppeteer program and many other things propelled me and showed me what I can and cannot do--I certainly enjoyed participating in the puppet program, but I didn't become a puppeteer, because I realized that wasn't for me! That's just one example of what I learned and discovered there.

Kristina Wenger
(The farthest right in the picture)
1. What does this Icon represent to you? Why?

Kris Wenger is my favorite teacher. She was my 3rd grade teacher, but I always went back to her, even if I had moved schools. She taught me a lot about life, not just things I'm supposed to learn in the 3rd grade, and has been a good friend to me since I met her.

2. Who and what was important to this Icon? Why?

Her family and her pets and her students are always important to her. I hear her talk about her sister and her dogs all the time, and I met her snake once when I was in her class. She loves all of her students, and she always remembers their faces whenever they come to visit.

3. How did this Icon become important in American culture?

She is a teacher. Teachers have always been important to society, they help bring up the next generation along with parents. But without teachers, kids wouldn't learn math or history or anything.

4. How did this Icon become important to you?

She had been my brother's teacher before me, and when I came to her class, I had already known her a little bit. But the experience was so much more different than just meeting her, she showed me a whole new world of things I didn't even know--of course I didn't know them, if I did she wouldn't have to teach it. Besides being my teacher, she also talked to me when I was sad, made me smile even when I wasn't down, she was my advice person, she critiqued my work even when I wasn't in her class, and she gave me something to do when I didn't want to be outside or I was done with my work early. Many of the other teachers were busy during recess and lunch, but I could always go to her and we'd always have something to talk about. That's how friends are made right?

5. Who and what did this Icon inspire?

She inspired her students to do their best, she inspired me to go up and beyond the best. She helped me make friends, at one point I wanted to be a teacher like her, she gave me every opportunity to strengthen my strengths--she saw them. She gave me art kits to practice my craftsmanship, she saw that I could write, she saw that I wanted to keep super organized and helped me do that... I wouldn't be this way without her.

My Teachers (Freese mainly, others too)
(Patty Starks pictured here, but there are many others)
What does this Icon represent to you? Why?

My teachers have always been an inspiration for me, and they have always taught me as well as been my friend. I have gotten to know them personally, and their impact on every year of my life propels me forward.

How did this Icon become important to you?

Besides teaching me things to help me walk forward in life, many of the teachers I had, like Patty Starks and Mr. Demacali, have been my consultants and critics. I have been an artist almost all my life, and without people to tell me how to get better, I would have stopped being an artist without a means to improve. The same goes for my writing, I'm always asking people to edit and help me revise my work so that it would be something I can be extremely proud of. And it's not just my work that my teachers improve, my teachers help me become a better person by giving me opportunities to learn how to do that.

Who and what did this Icon inspire?

Teachers always inspire something, someone to become better... there are many people who often become the people they are because of their teachers as well as their families. My teachers in the past have become like family to me, and I listen to them and take their words and lessons into consideration like I would my parents'.

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